I was actually tagged a while ago, and went through the process of answering it all here, and then for some reason it wouldn't save my post or something....and I got frustrated, so gave up! Well, it seems I've been tagged again, so I will do both of them here in the one post and cheat a bit!!!
Both times,
Cass has tagged me! Latest is to share 5 songs that I am embarrassed to admit to!
Here are the rules!
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.
3. Tag 5 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
This is much harder than expected!
Fame by Irene Cara. I was a dancer ok, and I still love it, and adore the film clip!
Black Betty by Ram Jam. Oh come on, you trying to tell me you don't scream it out if you hear it on the radio?
Solitary Man by Neil Diamond. I used to be a HUGE Neil Diamond fan. Still think he kinda rocks. LOVE this song.
Respectable by Mel and Kim. This songs takes me back to when I was in grade 8, all my friends from primary school left for boarding school, and I had to make a whole new group of friends - one of which is still one of my very oldest and dearest friends today!
The Joker by the Steve Miller Band. Takes me back to when I used to hang out in Toowoomba and pretend I was some kind of country gal (which I kinda was)....that's embarrassing enough in itself!
Now, the 2nd one:
The rules are:
- Link the person who tagged you
- Mention the rules on your blog
- Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
- Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
- Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they have been tagged.
Ok, so 6 quirks of mine, here we go.
1. I insist on having good quality toilet paper, and it HAS to be plain white. No coloured patterns.
2. Wet bread FREAKS me out. I almost puke if I have to touch it.
3. I can't drink coffee past 3pm without it making me stay up way too late at night.
4. I have never, ever been a Fi - always Fo. I think it's from my little sister's who couldn't say Fiona, so called me Fona, which ended up getting shortened to Fo. I hate being called Fi!
5. My middle name is Mignon (pronounced Min-yon). It's French, and is my mum's first name, and my nanna's middle name etc etc. I was supposed to carry on the tradition, but it may very well stop with me, unless Nat or Cas have a little girl!!
6. As much as I moan about our dog, I adore her and would be totally lost without her.
And there you have it people! A little insight into me! And now to come up with enough people to tag - I'll give it a go.
Cas Doyle2.
Lib O'brien (sorry Lib, getting desperate!)