This was my 6th session in 8 days, and to say I am exhausted is an understatement!!!
Mandy is someone I know from an online forum, and she contacted me ages ago to book a session. I ended up asking my good friend Bec to help me out with this one, as I was concerned about losing light, along with the fact that Mandy has 3 young kids, who I just knew would run me ragged (hey, I'm not as young as I used to be!!!).
Mandy, enjoy your sneak peek. We got an *almost* smile out of Peter! Bec, thank you so much for your help today - you are a champion!
ohhh Dad doesn't look too comfortable does he!
Great shots though!
sounds like you have been busy! great shots, I love the first one :)
Looks like a fantastic session! I can't believe you are doing that many session in just over a week! I am doing three this week and feel stuffed,lol! Good luck with them all!
Awww, too cute! Stunning individuals of the L, O, and K, and you look great Mandy! xxx
Great job Fiona, how gorgeous is Mandy's family!!!
Love Dani
These are gorgeous Fiona... Love that first one...
P.S: I've tagged you... see my blog for details...
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