HOWEVER.....I know that this will somehow interrupt my business unfortunately. I have no idea how long I'll be without internet, nor do I know if I will even be able to get the same optus email address. So, for now, please, please, please email me on my email. I will get that one forwarded to an email address that I will be able to access.
Now....wish me luck. Packing house with 2 little boys "helping" is NOT FUN!!!!! Cute, they may be - but helpers? HELL NO!!!!!
hey amazing photography. I really like these pictures. I know it is hard to move and with children makes it worst. Try to make a plan there are many good packing tips available on net such as on that site available on net. Best of luck for your move
These shots are gorgeous Fo! Good luck with the moving house!
These photos are just Fab! (is that last one with a lensbaby, or are you just clever at relicating it?).
Good luck with the move - I certainly know what it's like. But yay for having an office. Woohoo!
Thanks guys.
Yep, Narelle, it's a lensbaby. It's a really fun lens, but it's not easy to get the hang of, let me tell you!
Oh my goodness - these are amazing!!!! Love the first 2 - absolutely perfect - amazing mood. They are all fantastic!
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