Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm baaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!

Finally I am back online. Back in the real world. Connected. Finally.

Actually, I didn't miss having the internet nearly as much as I thought I would. Probably didn't help that my kids and I were sick, and we were packing, moving and packing some more and then cleaning, cleaning, who really had time for the internet???

But in any case, we are back in business and ready to set this office up so it doesn't anywhere near resemble the chaotic mess that it was before we moved!

We are enjoying discovering new things in the area - and the boys are LOVING having a park with heaps of ducks to feed so close.

Feeding the ducks:
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Hanging out together:

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Maximo - please excuse the Sideshow Bob hair - we really, really need to cut it!
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Cassandra Doyle said...

LOL! Yes you do need to cut maximos hair!!
sideshow bob... PMSL!

Mhor said...

Great Pic's...

Anonymous said...

Hehe sideshow bob. :)
Classic shot though. Your boys always look like so much fun.


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