I really have to apologise to those clients who are waiting on orders, or their galleries....after things being so chaotic with our move, I've just had a lovely relaxing week on the sunshine coast with family! So please accept my apologies, but know that I'm feeling way more relaxed and carefree again!!!
So, I need to play catchup here. I've had a fun session with my sister, the "rock chick", and a semi-newborn session (7 weeks old and oh so chubby!!!), as well as a wedding with my wonderful business partner, Bec, who is the Hall side of
Carson Hall Photography!So, to save me attempting 3 different posts, I'll just put a few photos from each shoot here for you.
First up, my gorgeous sister:

And just one or two from the wedding - go check out our Carson Hall blog for more!

And finally, little Chloe. I was supposed to photograph this little chunky monkey just after she was born, but she decided to arrive early, and then I couldn't get to the sunshine coast (after a car accident took my car from me for 2 weeks), and then with our move...in any case, here she is at almost 7 weeks. God I just adore those rolls, don't you?

Phew, this may just have been the biggest post I've ever made, so well done if you have made it all the way through. Hopefully I'll be keeping on top of things from now on!