First off the rank was little Molly. She is so adorable, and I know for a fact that my husband wants to swap her for one of our boys!
And little Thomas - lordy, look at those eyes!
The family:
And the gorgeous Ari - don't you just want to kiss these cheeks?
David and Nai sure wanted to kiss those cheeks, but not sure if Ari was fussed to be honest!
John and Sam - love this one
Beth and Mick - love this one too, def a fav. But I can't decide if I want to keep the lamp post in or not - what do you think?
Enjoy guys, and I'll catch up with you soon!
Oh man i LOVE that first shot. So happy. And the family shots are great as well
lovely shoot....the lamppost...thats a hard one...I do love it but because its kinda behind him I think I would be inclined to clone it...if they were more to the left I would leave it... still love the shot :)
Wow.....your photographs are absolutely stunning! Beautiful family too.
(Incase you're wondering about the random visit, I was trawling Verve for blogs on photography as it's something i'm interested in, dogs for obvious reasons and Australia as it's somewhere we're considering.....maybe Brissie, who knows?!)
Wow, Fiona these are gorgeous, I super struggle for large groups.... you have done a brillant job!!!!
gorgoeus ... love them!!
These are so great, love the last one of everyone together and the shots on the grass are so well done. I like the lamp post one with the lamp post still in. :)
gorgeous family Fi.. You are very lucky indeed. xoxo
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