Today's family session was with twins, Cooper and Olivia and 2 year old, sassy Ellen (and their mum and dad of course!!!). Ellen was hilarious - she didn't want a bar of me until right at the end of the session, and she has the BEST deathstare I've ever seen on a 2 year old!!!! I love a bit of spunk in a kid, so I thought she was the bees knees. Cooper and Olivia were adorable and up for anything (as long as it included lollipops of course!). Twins always facinate me - I love to see them interact together.
I had a great time with these 3, running around in leaves, doing some jumping, and then a play at the park.
The Family:

Olivia and Mum, love this one:

Cooper and Olivia:

The girls:

This cracks me up!

This one's from before she got sick of me!

Sweet Olivia


Thanks guys for a great afternoon (and sorry for my son who seemed to be glued to my hip - he normally doesn't come near me when I'm at "work"!!!). Enjoy your sneak peek and I'll talk to you soon!
Gorgeous kids... the 5th one cracks me up too... how many times have I seen that look when I'm taking photo's...
Great session Fiona...
Great family photos - well done
Oh they are a cute family! I love the little girl pointing at you - that is a perfect pout! great capture.
Gorgeous Fo!!
LOVE the "go away" attitude one! What a cracker!
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